Joe Biden is a Great Man

Nazis at the capital

Joe Biden’s official statement posted by his personal account on X.

Dear Reader,

The actions taken by Joe Biden yesterday (7/21/2024) made it both a very dark and hopeful day. He stepped out of the race, facing the fear that we all will have to fight one day. When we face the truth of our infirmities and have to accept that we are unable to cope with doing our jobs or taking care of ourselves, we have to face our own mortality in these moments. That’s exactly what Joe Biden did yesterday.

The decision was made in just a matter of moments. Not even his personal staff knew about it until just a few moments before the public found out. One can only imagine his emotional struggle when making this selfless decision.

Joe Biden didn’t have to drop out of the race. He could have stayed in, defiantly fighting on. He could have lashed out at the press, calling out the unfairness of their relentless focus on his gaffes. All the while, they turned a blind eye to the constant stream of lies from Donald Trump. But that’s not who Joe is.

Instead, he chose to step aside, recognizing that this election is bigger than any one person. He knew that democracy matters more than personal ambition. His letter revealed the immense struggle he faced in setting aside his pride for the greater good. It takes a rare kind of leader to admit they aren’t the best choice, especially when it comes to the highest office in the land.

Biden is a good person

Despite what half of the country thinks. He is one of the most underrated presidents in history. Joe didn’t boast or brag to a fault. He was humble and spoke quietly. Sadly, the social media world of today doesn’t like that. The 24-hour news cycle that relies on constant hype is not a good thing for a “boring” leader. This also hurts voter turnout, unfortunately. I would say he is one of the best in the short history of our wonderful country. History will look kindly on him.

Let me be crystal clear

In this moment, we can’t afford to spend our time being angry at our party. We cannot afford to be divided. We can’t change who the DNC chooses to be the nominee right now. Even if they choose someone other than Kamala, we have to vote for the candidate.

The fact of the matter is that we are facing down the barrel of a Trump dictatorship. This is a deadly serious threat because a President Trump will have “immunity” this time. He can go after congresspeople and senators that he wants gone. Project 2025 will take effect immediately through executive order.

For more information about project 2025 read the Axios article here. Follow the Politicians Suck blog for more sarcastic takes on US politics in the future. We hope to provide a sense of unity and help calm the fears through discussing and promoting our shared values.

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