Project 2025: ‘MAGA’ Meets ‘Mein Kampf for Dummies’

Welcome to Agenda 47:

Because Who Needs Democracy When You Can Have a Fascist Utopia?

Ladies, gentlemen, and all those wisely questioning their faith in humanity, gather ’round for a tale that’ll make George Orwell’s “1984” look like a utopian rom-com. Welcome to the twisted world of Project 2025, a 900-page manifesto that reads like the lovechild of a fascist dictator’s fever dream and a far-right think tank’s wildest fantasies.

Brought to you by the Heritage Foundation – because apparently, some folks thought, “Hey, let’s make America great again… by completely dismantling its democratic foundations!” – Project 2025 is the comprehensive blueprint for turning the Land of the Free into the Land of the “Free*” (*Terms and conditions apply, void where common sense prevails).

Now, you might be thinking, “Surely, this is just some fringe group’s pipe dream, right?” Oh, sweet summer child. This isn’t just any run-of-the-mill dystopian proposal. It’s got the fingerprints of about 140 former Trump administration officials all over it, including six ex-Cabinet secretaries. It’s like they took the Constitution, ran it through a shredder, reassembled it using only the parts they liked, and then bedazzled it with authoritarian glitter.

But wait, there’s more! Despite Trump’s best “I don’t know her” impression when it comes to Project 2025, his campaign’s website reads like a CliffNotes version of this terrifying tome. It’s as if he’s trying to gaslight an entire nation faster than you can say “fake news.”

Dear readers, we’re about to take a deep dive into the sewer of Project 2025, where democracy goes to die and fascism gets a star-spangled makeover. Remember, in this brave new world, ignorance isn’t just bliss – it’s patriotic duty.

Fascism 2.0: Now with 100% more American flags!

Illustration of a divided United States map with a split between red and blue.
An illustration representing the political division in the United States, with the map split into red and blue sections.

In the grand tradition of authoritarian makeovers, Project 2025 doesn’t just flirt with fascism—it takes it out for a candlelit dinner and proposes. This isn’t your grandfather’s tyranny; it’s a sleek, stars-and-stripes-clad version that would make Mussolini green with envy.

Centralization of power

At the heart of Project 2025 lies a vision of presidential power that would make Louis XIV blush. The plan calls for placing independent agencies under direct presidential control, effectively transforming the Executive Branch into a one-stop shop for authoritarianism.

Imagine, if you will, a world where the President can snap their fingers and reshape entire government agencies on a whim. The Federal Reserve, that pesky independent entity responsible for monetary policy? Under the President’s thumb. The Federal Communications Commission? Just another presidential plaything. It’s as if the Founding Fathers’ carefully crafted system of checks and balances was nothing more than a quaint suggestion, easily discarded for the sake of “efficiency.”

This isn’t just a power grab; it’s a power heist of Ocean’s Eleven proportions, minus the charm of George Clooney and the wit of Brad Pitt.

Suppressing opposition:

Making ‘You’re Fired!’ a government policy

But why stop at centralizing power when you can also purge your opponents? Project 2025 takes a page from the dictator’s handbook by proposing to dismantle job protections for thousands of civil servants. It’s like a nationwide game of musical chairs, except when the music stops, anyone who doesn’t pledge unwavering loyalty to the administration finds themselves without a seat.

The plan introduces a charming little concept called “Schedule F,” which would reclassify a significant portion of the federal workforce, stripping them of their civil service protections. This isn’t just about trimming the bureaucratic fat; it’s about ensuring that every level of government marches to the beat of the same authoritarian drum.

In this brave new world, expertise and experience take a backseat to loyalty and ideological purity. It’s as if the entire federal government is being transformed into a reality TV show where the President gets to point at career officials and dramatically declare, “You’re fired!” – all in the name of “draining the swamp.”

The implications of this proposal stretch far beyond simple job security. It’s a calculated move to silence dissent, eliminate institutional memory, and replace decades of expertise with a cadre of yes-men and ideologues. In the Project 2025 universe, the only qualification that matters is the ability to nod vigorously in agreement with whatever comes down from on high.

As we look even more at the Republican agenda, the picture becomes increasingly clear: this isn’t just a reimagining of government; it’s a wholesale dismantling of the democratic safeguards that have defined American governance for centuries. The question that looms large is not just how this would reshape the federal government, but how it would fundamentally alter the very nature of American democracy itself. This makes me so sick.

Democracy’s Death by a Thousand Cuts

Project 2025’s assault on American democracy isn’t a blitzkrieg; it’s a meticulously planned siege. Each proposal chips away at the foundations of our republic, transforming it into a hollow shell of its former self. Let’s examine the trio of wrecking balls they’re swinging at Lady Liberty.

Goodbye, independent agencies; hello, presidential puppets

Photo by Mizuno K:

Remember those pesky independent agencies that have long been the bane of would-be autocrats? Project 2025 has a simple solution: make them as “independent” as a toddler choosing their own bedtime. The plan calls for placing agencies like the Federal Reserve, FCC, and SEC directly under presidential control. It’s a power grab so brazen, it makes Napoleon look like a shy wallflower at a debutante ball.

Imagine a world where monetary policy changes with presidential mood swings, where communication regulations align perfectly with the administration’s Twitter beefs. This isn’t just about streamlining government; it’s about creating a executive branch with more arms than a Hindu deity, each one ready to squash dissent or reward loyalty at the drop of a MAGA hat.

Civil service protections: Now you see them, now you don’t

But why stop at agencies when you can go after individual civil servants? Project 2025’s proposal to strip job protections from thousands of federal employees isn’t just a HR nightmare; it’s a calculated move to turn the government into a personal fiefdom. The introduction of “Schedule F” classification would transform career officials into at-will employees faster than you can say “loyalty oath.”

This isn’t about trimming bureaucratic fat; it’s about ensuring that every level of government from the janitor to the joint chiefs sings from the same hymn sheet – or else. It’s the kind of job security that would make a tightrope walker nervous, designed to replace expertise with obedience and institutional memory with ideological fervor.

Free speech

Terms and conditions may apply

As if neutering agencies and muzzling civil servants weren’t enough, Project 2025 takes aim at the very concept of free expression. The plan’s proposals read like a wishlist for aspiring censors: banning pornography, shutting down tech companies that don’t play ball, and eliminating terms like “sexual orientation” and “reproductive rights” from federal regulations.

It’s a linguistic purge that would make George Orwell’s Ministry of Truth blush. By controlling the language of governance, Project 2025 aims to reshape the very boundaries of public discourse. Want to discuss diversity, equity, and inclusion? Sorry, those words no longer exist in the federal lexicon. It’s not just moving the goalposts; it’s changing the entire game to Calvinball, where the rules are made up and the points don’t matter – unless you’re scoring them for the ruling party.

This trifecta of tyranny – puppet agencies, precarious employment, and Pravda-esque propaganda – forms the core of Project 2025’s assault on democratic norms. It’s a blueprint not for governing, but for rule by decree, where the executive branch becomes an octopus, its tentacles reaching into every aspect of American life. And as we’ll see, the implications of this plan extend far beyond the corridors of power in Washington…

Trump’s ‘I don’t know her’ Moment

In a plot twist that surprises absolutely no one, Donald Trump is attempting to distance himself from Project 2025 faster than a teenager denying knowledge of the empty liquor cabinet. But much like his hairline, the truth is harder to conceal than he’d like us to believe.

The 140 reasons why Trump’s denial is less believable than the flat-earths theory

Trump’s protestations of ignorance regarding Project 2025 would be almost endearing if they weren’t so transparently false. Approximately 140 individuals from his administration contributed to this manifesto of madness, including six former Cabinet secretaries and four ambassador nominees. It’s like claiming you’ve never heard of the Beatles while John, Paul, George, and Ringo are playing a reunion concert in your living room.

The sheer volume of Trump-adjacent fingerprints on this document is staggering. It’s not just a few rogue elements; it’s practically a Who’s Who of Trumpworld. From policy wonks to political appointees, the gang’s all here, penning a love letter to authoritarianism that makes “Fifty Shades of Grey” look like a children’s bedtime story.

Moreover, many of Project 2025’s proposals align so closely with Trump’s previous policies and rhetoric that they might as well have been dictated by the man himself. It’s as if someone took a Greatest Hits album of Trump’s most controversial ideas and turned it into a government action plan. The wall? Check. Gutting environmental protections? You bet. Reshaping the justice system in his image? It’s all there, wrapped up in a bow of plausible deniability.

J.D. Vance is The VP pick that screams ‘I totally support Project 2025’

If Trump’s connection to Project 2025 were a poker tell, his selection of J.D. Vance as a potential running mate would be him shouting “I have a royal flush!” while sweating profusely. Vance, the “Hillbilly Elegy” author turned MAGA acolyte, has stronger ties to the Heritage Foundation than a barnacle to a ship’s hull.

Vance’s selection is about as subtle as a neon sign flashing “We Heart Project 2025.” It’s a move that simultaneously winks at the project’s supporters while attempting to maintain a paper-thin veneer of separation. It’s political theater at its finest, with all the believability of a soap opera plot twist.

The Vance pick does more than just muddy the waters of Trump’s supposed ignorance; it’s a full-on cannonball into the pool of Project 2025 advocacy. It sends a clear message to those in the know: “We’re on board, we just can’t say it out loud yet.” It’s the political equivalent of crossing your fingers behind your back while making a promise – technically deniable, but fooling absolutely no one.

As we peel back the layers of this onion of obfuscation, it becomes increasingly clear that Trump’s relationship with Project 2025 is less “casual acquaintance” and more “secret admirer.” The question isn’t whether he knows about it, but rather how much of it he’s planning to implement if given the chance.

The ‘It’s Fine’ Meme, But It’s American Democracy and Everything Is Actually on Fire

As we reach the end of our journey through the funhouse mirror that is Project 2025, it’s hard not to feel like we’re living in a particularly dark episode of “Black Mirror.” This isn’t just a policy proposal; it’s a blueprint for dismantling the very foundations of American democracy, all wrapped up in a star-spangled bow of patriotic doublespeak.

From the centralization of power that would make Louis XIV blush, to the purging of civil servants that echoes the darkest chapters of history, Project 2025 represents a clear and present danger to the ideals that have underpinned our republic for nearly two and a half centuries. It’s a testament to the fragility of democratic institutions and a stark reminder that the price of liberty is, indeed, eternal vigilance.

Trump’s paper-thin denials and the selection of J.D. Vance as a potential running mate only serve to underscore the very real possibility that this nightmarish vision could become reality. We find ourselves at a crossroads, where the path we choose will determine whether the grand experiment of American democracy continues or whether we slide into a gilded age of authoritarianism.

Don’t Let Project 2025 Turn America into a Dystopian Novel – Get Off Your Couch and Into the Fight!

If this article has left you feeling like you’ve just binge-watched a terrifying political thriller, good. That’s the appropriate response to a threat of this magnitude. But feeling scared or outraged isn’t enough. It’s time to channel that energy into action.

First things first: educate yourself further. Head over to our eye-opening article “Wake Up and Smell the Democracy: Why Your Lazy Ass Needs to Get Engaged” at It’s a crash course in civic responsibility that’ll make you want to run to the nearest voting booth (or at least crawl there if you’re particularly out of shape).

But don’t stop there. Vote in every election, from school board to president. Engage with your local representatives. Attend town halls. Support organizations fighting to preserve democratic norms. Spread awareness about Project 2025 and its implications.

Remember, democracy isn’t a spectator sport. It requires active participation, especially when faced with threats like Project 2025. The future of American democracy isn’t written in stone – it’s written by us, one action at a time. So put down that remote, step away from the Netflix queue, and join the fight to ensure that Project 2025 remains nothing more than a dystopian fantasy rather than our lived reality.

The choice is yours. Will you be a passive observer as democracy crumbles, or will you stand up and be counted? The clock is ticking, and the stakes have never been higher. Let’s make sure that when future generations look back on this moment, they see it as the time when Americans stood up for their democracy, not the time they let it slip away while binge-watching cat videos.

Links for election information and more about Project 2025:

AI gen image, crying statue of liberty.

Voting Information:

  • VOTE411: Provides comprehensive information about voting in your state, including how to register, find your polling place, and what’s on your ballot. You can explore various resources and ensure you’re ready for the next election. Visit VOTE411.
  • USAGov Voting and Elections: An official government site offering detailed information on voter registration, how and where to vote, and election laws. You can find answers to common voting questions and learn about upcoming elections. Check out USAGov Voting and Elections.
  • This site allows you to register to vote and check upcoming voter registration deadlines for your state. It’s an essential resource for ensuring your voter registration is up-to-date. Visit

Donating to Biden’s Campaign:

  • Joe Biden’s Official Campaign Site: To donate directly to Joe Biden’s presidential campaign, visit his official website where you can find options to contribute and support his campaign efforts. Visit Joe Biden’s Campaign Donation Page.

Project 2025 Information:

  • Heritage Foundation – Project 2025: Project 2025 is a comprehensive plan spearheaded by the Heritage Foundation. It outlines significant changes to the U.S. government and society that align closely with conservative ideologies. To learn more about the project and its detailed proposals, visit Heritage Foundation – Project 2025.
  • Analysis of Project 2025’s Dangers: For a critical perspective on the potential impacts and dangers of Project 2025, this analysis explores how the proposals resemble historical fascist elements and their implications for democracy in the U.S. Read more at Dangerous Impacts of Project 2025.

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